Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Growth Mindset- week 8

Hi, all!

Some of my strengths in this class (and in my life) is that I feel like I am creative. I get excited when I get an opportunity to express myself and show people a side of myself that I am quite fond of!
I believe one of my biggest weaknesses is my impatience. I thrive off of instant gratification and get frustrated when I have to wait for results.
I think I can improve on this weakness (and many more) in this class. I can become more patient with myself and my progress as I spend an entire semester creating a portfolio and website to show off my creativity. I'm so excited to see the final product!

Here is a chart that helps me ask myself if I am doing enough to grow and do my best in every aspect of my life:

1 comment:

  1. Probably my favorite thing about this class is how it’s so flexible with our readings and our storytelling projects, so I’m definitely with you on that. But I also love how it’s challenging us in areas of life outside of the classroom, too—I’ve always been a perfectionist, and I’m trying to tone that down enough that it won’t keep me from trying new things. Things like this chart and the growth mindset posts are great reminders to work on that.
