Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Story Planning: A Riddle for the Fall

Source Notes:
"fell down a well"
- I wanted to expand this action and create a story where the main character is reflecting on things as he is falling down a well, as Alice said it was a very long fall
- I wanted to include things about where he came from and the actions leading up to him falling down the well
- I wanted to include the riddle "Why is a raven like a writing desk?" to further allude to Alice in Wonderland, him hypothesizing about it the whole way down

Character Sketches:
The man falling down the well
- curious man, easily distracted by his own thoughts
- reflecting on the riddle while falling rather than panicking about actually falling

- riddle about raven and writing desk has been 'answered' many times
- some of my favorite theories include:
"Because they are both used to carri-on de-composition"
"Because there is a 'b' in both"
"Because it can produce a few notes, though they are very flat; and is never put with the wrong end in front!"
(Source here)
- there's a pub that is called the 'raven' in London, where it has been said that Carroll used to write there, perhaps this is the answer or related to the answer
- maybe there is no answer at all, and he intended for us all to hypothesize our own answers

Writing goals:
- I want to expand on my stories more and make the length of them greater, but sometimes I experience writer's block and I may benefit by saving my story and re-visiting it later to revise and expand

Final Paragraph:
Perhaps I'll never really know why a raven is like a writing desk. Or, at least, I'll never know the original intended answer. I wonder how long this fall is- I'm surely near New Zealand by now... or is it Sydney? Maybe I'll find out. Maybe I'll never kn---

From Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland

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