Monday, October 31, 2016

Reading A: Alice in Wonderland

Down the Rabbit Hole
-Alice loves pictures and conversations in books
-White rabbit ran by
-fell down the well
+could write a story and tell it as a man is falling down a well
-asked herself silly questions
+write about how he got there, what he would do if he lived
-tried the small golden key
+could write amelia bedelia style and take things literally
-drink me
-eat me
-talking nonsense

Advice from A Caterpillar
-"Who are YOU"
-strange poem about young and old
+write about a shrinking man
-pigeon thought she was serpent

Pig and Pepper
-livery or fish
+could get a strange package, wonder about it, benign
-pepper in the air
-strange poem
-baby pig
-met cheshire cat
-'we're all mad here'
-grin without a cat

From Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland

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