Thursday, September 8, 2016

Learning Challenge: attention with the pomodoro technique

Hi, all!

This week I decided to check out the Pomodoro time management technique.
This technique got its name from the tomato shaped timer- but it works with any timer!
The idea is that you work for 25 minutes, break for 5, and then repeat. Every 4 'pomodoros', you take a longer break. This way, you won't burn out after studying for an hour straight.
This seems like a good study tactic for me!

The Pomodoro technique



  1. Emily,

    I've actually been trying this technique lately, and I've got mixed feelings about it. I don't know if I'm just a slow studier, or if the material I'm working on is just too dense, but 25 minutes just doesn't seem like enough time to really "get" what I'm reading. Have you tried it yet? I think I may try again, but increase the time intervals a little bit, and maybe try 35-40 minutes at a time instead? By the time my alarm goes off, I just feel settled into the material, and am reluctant to take a break. I do think giving yourself breaks is important though.

  2. I have never heard of this method before. I never had a study method. I would go hours working on assignments, reading etc. I would stop to go to the restroom and that’s it. I would eat and study, drink and study. Listen to music and study. I know it sounds unbearable and awful, but it worked for me and I never felt burnt out. I think it had something to do with getting in the zone when I write. Which happens quite a bit, I get lost in my head a lot. I’m glad it’s working for you though! It’s always healthy to know your limits and create a balance. : )
