Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tech Tip: First Tweet

Hi, all!

This week I tweeted from my personal account for this class. I think it's a really powerful tool not just for social communication, but can definitely be powerful in learning! The more you network and increase your exposure, the more you grow and learn.

Here's my tweet- follow me for more!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Storytelling: The Football Player who (didn't) Beat the Dance Team

There once was a dance team that was better than any other dance team. They always blew their competition out of the water. Because of this, none of the other dance teams liked them. They were constantly trying to devise ways to beat the winning team.

The other teams tried everything they could to defeat the team.

They tried to take away the power source in their practice building so they couldn't practice with music or with lights. Luckily for them, there was a maintenance crew in the area to immediately get it back up and running. The dance team won the following competition.

They tried to trip and injure their dancers, but they were so graceful, they always landed on their feet.
The dance team won the next three competitions.

They tried to destroy their costumes, but many of their mothers were experienced tailors, and they fixed the costumes on the spot. They won that weekend's competition.

They even tried to sabotage their bus that transported them to the competitions. However, while it was in the shop, the local high school's bus driver offered to drive them.

The winning dance team
(Personal Photo, 2012)

Finally, the captain of one of the other teams devised a plan to take down the winning dance team's captain. She dressed up one of her team members in football gear and explained to her how she was to go about taking down the other team.

The following day, the dance team was practicing on the track by the football players, when the handsome stranger walked by. The stranger was tall, dark, handsome, and totally into her. The captain of the dance team was immediately enamored with 'him'.

Throughout practice, 'he' kept flirting with the captain, and distracting the whole team. At the end of practice, the captain left with the stranger. She didn't show up to the next practice. Or the next. Or the next.

Meanwhile, the other team celebrated. They were finally going to win a competition with that captain out of the way! They cancelled practice and danced and sang and celebrated the death of their rival team.

The team, however, was very worried, as it was highly unusual for their captain to skip practice. One of the members investigated, and found that the captain of the team had actually been kidnapped by the stranger. The team member freed the captain, and they immediately went back to work to ensure that they would win the competition that weekend.

So, to the rival's team surprise, the captain and the team showed up to the next competition and took first place. Even though the captain was totally bummed to find out that she wasn't being hit on by a handsome stranger.

All of the rival team members were convicted of kidnapping and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Author's Note: I adapted this story from "The Pretty Stranger who Killed the King" from Folk Stories from Nigeria. In the original story, a witch turns herself beautiful and kills the king. However, in all the celebration of the dead king, a neighboring town's army came and killed all of them.

From Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria by Elphinstone Dayrell

Reading Notes B: Nigerian Folk Stories

From: Folk Stories From Southern Nigeria by Elphinstone Dayrell
Source here

The Story of the Lightning and the Thunder
-Thunder and lightning used to live among people
-sheep and ram
-banished to the sky

Bush Cow Mask

The Bush Cow and the Elephant
-couldn't settle disputes
-elephant boasting about strength
-fought each other
-monkey ate mantis

The Cock who Caused a Fight Between Two Towns
-same mother, different fathers
-fought each other
-no one should keep chicken as pet

The Affair of the Hippo and the Tortoise
-no one knew his name except wives
-hurt wife, found out name
-thats why only see hippo in water

Why Dead People are Buried
-dog given message, went to old ladys house and forgot
-sheep told wrong message
-dead people remain in ground

The Fat Woman that Melted Away
-made of oil
-jealous wife

Why the Moon Waxes and Wanes
-hungry poor woman
-started eating moon

How the Tortoise Overcame the Elephant and the Hippo
-elephant to pull tortoise out of water
-wrong, 20k rods
-hippo into water
-turtle on water and land

Reading Notes A: Nigerian Folk Stories

From: Folk Stories From Southern Nigeria by Elphinstone Dayrell
Source here

Source here

The Pretty Stranger who Killed the King
-Mbotu king of Calabar
-many enemies
-witch turned herself into beautiful woman
-killed king
-all ended up dying bc their leader was dead
** competition

Why The Bat Flies by Night
-bat and rat
-rat jumped into hot water and died
-rat hid

Disobedient Daughter
-didnt want to marry man
-skull borrowed parts from friends
-friends took back parts
-crossed into spirit world

King Who Married the Cock's Daughter
-250 wives
-only liked her
-died of heartbreak

Woman, Ape, the Child
-Hunter used animal skins for products to sell
-jealous of baby
-wanted to kill the ape
-killed baby, wife

Fish and leopards wife
-fish fell in love with leop wife
-had an affair
-banned to the water

Worms live under the ground
-king always talked poorly about worms
-fight vs ants
-ants won

Elephant and Tortoise
-elephant had proportionate eyes
-tortoise popped out elephants eye
-got eyes from worm

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wikipedia Trail: From Waffles to Wind Power

Hi, all!

This week I started out with 'Waffles' from a tweet about free waffles at OU in the twitter feed.
Did you know the word waffle first appeared in the English language in 1725? Can you imagine going that long without waffles?!

Next, I went to 'Toise'. A toise is a unit of measurement of length, area, and volume from pre-revolutionary France. It is equal to about 2 meters, but the actual measurement fluctuated throughout time.

Then, I was led to the page on 'Quebec', which is the second most populous province in Canada. This is the only Canadian province to speak mainly French.

Finally, I checked out 'Wind Power'. This is a hot topic in Oklahoma, as the "wind comes sweeping down the plains".


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Story: The Buffalo and the Bird

There once was a lake in the middle of the land that sourced water to many different animals. There was a crocodile, a lion, a turtle, a buffalo, and a bird.

The lake was always plentiful, even in the heat of the sun. The only problem with the lake was the flies.

The flies were everywhere, and bothered all the animals. Except, of course, the bird, because the flies knew that the bird would eat them.

One hot day, the bird was up in the tree, starving. He looked down upon the lake at the animals and saw them all suffering and getting sick from the flies. So, he thought he could help the other animals with their problem.

The bird flew first to the crocodile, and asked him if he wanted his assistance with his fly problem. The crocodile snapped at the bird, and told him to go away.

Then, the bird flew to the lion, and asked if he could help him get rid of the flies. The lion roared at the bird, and told him to leave him alone.

The bird tried to talk to the turtle in the water, but the turtle tried to grab the bird and pull him under the water, so he flew away.

Finally, the bird flew over to the buffalo and asked him desperately if he could help him with his fly problem. The buffalo was wise, and knew that the bird could help him with his fly problem, and that he could help feed the bird. The buffalo happily accepted the bird's offer.

The buffalo and the bird.

The bird cursed the other animals. When the bird had children, he told them what the other animals had done to him, and told them that if they want to eat, they must only fly to the buffalo. The children thought they were smarter, though, and tried to eat the flies around the other animals.

The first child flew to the crocodile, but was swallowed whole in the attempt.

The next child flew to the lion, but was mangled, instead.

The next child flew to the turtle, but was drowned in the lake.

The next child was afraid to fly to any animal at all, and died from starvation.

The last child, however, listened to his mother, and flew directly to the buffalo and ate flies from the buffalo's back, and lived a long, happy, plentiful life.

The child taught his children about how to only eat from the buffalo, and told them about their aunts' and uncles' fates when they did not listen to their grandmother.

So from then on, every generation ate flies from the buffalo, and no other animal.

Today you can still witness the relationship between the buffalo and the bird.

Bibliography: Fillipino Popular Tales by Dean Fansler.

Author's Note:
I was inspired to write this story after reading the Fillipino Popular Tales about how animals became the way that they are today. You can find more information about this symbiotic relationship here

Reading B: Fillipino Tales

Fillipino Popular Tales by Dean Fansler.
Source Here

The Iguana and the Turtle
-old man wanted turtle to marry his daughter
-iguana wanted to marry
-iguana died

Why Mosquitoes Hum
-king of crabs
-dont wake up
-woke up, w excuse
**could do why (animal) does (something)

The Greedy Crow
-crow wanted meal
-be happy with what you have in front of u

The Hummingbird and the Carabao
-dumbfounded water buffalo
-smart hummingbird
**(could do bird and cow/ symbiotic relationship)

The Ant
-gave rocks life
-poison to snake
-less poisonous

Why the Sun Shines more Brightly than the Moon
-fairy, God, two sisters
-given two diamonds- one moon and one sun

Hawk and Coling
-hawk looked down on earth
-salt and cotton
-salt dissolved

Why the Cow's Skin is Loose
-cow wanted to run away from farmer
-wanted to bathe first
-switched skin

The Lost Necklace
-hen stole necklace
-chicks look for necklace

Story of our Fingers
-fingers narrate
-fingers seperated from thumb bc thief

Reading A: Fillipino Popular Tales

Fillipino Popular Tales by Dean S Fansler
Source Here

The Three Friends
-monkey dog and carabao
-strength in numbers
-kills friends
-monkey is smart

Three Brothers of Fortune
-three sons
-did not want to study
-couldnt agree to who got the woman

Clever Husband and Wife
-wants wife, no money
-needed money, kept asking people
-doctor liked the joke of the couple, rewarded them

Devil and Guachinango
-rather have the devil for a husband
-covered devil in jar
-wanted to be set free
-married princess

-divide bread among monkeys
-marries daughter
-design coat
-Chonguita transformed into woman

-purchase buyo
-God himself
-eventually marries princess
*could do story on things collected along the way

The Enchanted Prince
-new queen

The Wicked Woman's Reward
-wanted male baby
-killed woman in river

The Poor Man and his Three Sons
-man gave sons presents
-two brothers rich
-right place in which to trade

The Monkey and the Turtle
-divided a banana
-planted the banana
-punished him

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Wikipedia Trail: from Roald Dahl to Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards

Hi, all!

This trail, I started with Roald Dahl.
Many of his made- up words have just made their way into the Oxford Dictionary- including Scrumdiddlyumptious!

Roald Dahl.

Then I checked out the List of Best-Selling Fiction Authors.
It's really no surprise that Shakespeare, Agatha Christie, Dr. Seuss, and Jk Rowling top the list.

I also checked out Goosebumps, which used to be one of my favorite series.
The series has sold over 350 million copies!

Finally, I looked at Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards. This network used to be my favorite!
Here, there is a whole list of celebrities that have been 'slimed'!


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Tech Tip: Adding a new Google Page

Hi, all!

This week for my project, I learned how to make a new page on my google site.
Here's the link!


Storytelling: The Months that Went out to Lunch

The four seasons.
Source here

One night, all the months went out to lunch. Their mother Earth waited at home for her children to return with food for her.

While March, April, May and September, October, and November were kind and generous, their siblings June, July, August, and December, January, and February were greedy and selfish. When the appetizer course came around, the generous months saved their mother portions of their plate, with cheese and meat and fruit and crackers, while the remaining months stuffed themselves full, and did not leave any left for their mother.

When the entree course came around, the kind months again saved the best pieces for their mother, with turkey and potatoes and vegetables and bread, while the remaining months cleaned their plates, and left nothing to be brought home to their mother.

Finally, when the dessert was served, the selfless months saved their mother cookies and pie and chocolate and ice cream, while the greedy months did not leave a crumb behind for their mother.

When the months returned home to their mother, she promptly requested her meal from her children.

June, July, and August lied to their mother, and told her that they lost it on the journey home.

December, January, and February lied to their mother as well, and told her that a thief stole it as they were leaving the restaurant.

March, April, May, and September, October, November gave over to their mother the food that they brought home for her: cheese, meat, fruit, crackers, turkey, potatoes, vegetables, bread, cookies, pie, chocolate, and ice cream. It was a feast.

Then, Mother Earth shifted on her axis.

She said to June, July, and August:

"You have lied and betrayed me, so you will be cursed to be scorching hot and miserable. People will not play outside and be happy during your time on Earth, but will rather hide and curse your name. They will be glad when you are gone".

And so, this is how summer was created.

She said to December, February, and January:

"You have lied and betrayed me, so you will be cursed to be freezing cold and miserable. People will not play outside and be happy during your time on Earth, but will rather hide and curse your name. They will be happy when you are gone".

And so, this is how winter was created.

To the rest of her children, March, April, May and September, October, and November, she said:

"You have made me very happy, my children. For this, you will be blessed. You will have cool weather and will bring prosperous crop yields to the people. People will play outside during your time on earth. You will be welcomed every year. People will be sad when you are gone."

And so, this is how spring and fall were created.

Author's Note:
Adapted from How Sun, Moon, and Wind Went Out To Dinner from "Indian Fairy Tales" by Joseph Jacobs. In this story, the mother 'star' cursed the Sun and the Wind to be miserable and hated because they were selfish, while she blessed the moon to be loved and welcomed.

From "Indian Fairy Tales" by Joseph Jacobs. Source here.

Reading Notes: Indian Fairy Tales Continuted

The Talkative Tortoise*
Future Buddha, became king's advisor
tortoise, wild ducks
must stay silent, take to beautiful land
let go of stick, split in two on ground
Became man of few words

The Gold Giving Serpent
farmer paid respects to snake
milk for gold denar
ant hill full of gold- kill the snake and take gold
still praised snake- greed

Pride Goeth Before a Fall
Cloth merchants
robbers- sang riddles
Fooled Robbers

Source Here

Prince and the Fakir
King without children, rest where 4 roads met
Fakir gives him 2 sons- one for him
gives him two girls
gives elder son
freed animals
married prince to princess

Why The Fish Laughed
Women wants to buy a she-fish
fish laughed
tried to figure out why fish laughed
strange traveler
explained strange traveler
laughing fish = plotting against kings life

Demon with Matted Hair
Demon arrows into hair
Couldnt be defeated
heart of a lion
weapon of knowledge

How Sun, Moon, and Wind Went Out To Dinner*
With uncle and aunt thunder and lightning
moon didnt forget mother
sun cursed to burn people
wind cursed to parch people
moon blessed

From "Indian Fairy Tales" by Joseph Jacobs
Source here.

Reading Notes: Indian Fairy Tales

The Lion and the Crane
Crane offers to save the life of the lion when he was choking
Wants reward- lion says his reward is that he didn't eat him
Crane did not befriend lion

Source here

The Broken Pot*
Svabhavakripana "a born miser", plans to buy goats and cows and food with rice
big ambitions from pot of rice- gets overly excited and breaks pot of rice

The Magic Fiddle
7 brothers and a sister, sister did all chores
interfere with her work
started drowning
turned into bamboo, turned into a fiddle

The Cruel Crane Outwitted
Crane tried outwitting the fish- promising them good future
Showed one fish the promise land
Killed and ate fish
tried to get crab-held crane around neck/ cut off head

Tiger, Brahman, Jackal
Tiger in cage, brahmin wont let out bc he will eat him
Tried to reach out to tree, buffalo, road, jackal
confused jackal/ outsmarted tiger

Brahman that lived in Harisarman, poor and foolish
feast for a wedding
Wife says he possesses magical knowledge
stole a horse
Found the horse/ got reward
The man prospered

The Charmed Ring
Stopped men from killing dog w 100 rupees
Stopped men from killing cat w 100 rupees
& snake
discipled by father, but animals worshipped him
master left to find snake's dad
cat and dog stayed home
given ring and pot and spoon
married princess
different prince fell in love with princess
took away house and princess
cat and dog found princess and house

must find the charmed ring
rats recovered ring
fish swallowed ring on the way home
ring on kite
recovered ring
wife and house returned

From "Indian Fairy Tales" by Joseph Jacobs
Source here.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Learning Challenge: attention with the pomodoro technique

Hi, all!

This week I decided to check out the Pomodoro time management technique.
This technique got its name from the tomato shaped timer- but it works with any timer!
The idea is that you work for 25 minutes, break for 5, and then repeat. Every 4 'pomodoros', you take a longer break. This way, you won't burn out after studying for an hour straight.
This seems like a good study tactic for me!

The Pomodoro technique


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Feedback Focus

I would rank these three strategies in terms of usefulness like so:

1) Copy and Delete- This could helpful when I am reading large science reviews or research papers, although I would probably keep the original paragraph to reference for details or more information.

2) Reading Out Loud- I tend pick up little details better when I read out loud slowly then when I read quickly and quietly to myself. This strategy can also help me pick up on mistakes in my writing.

3) Use a Timer- This technique is helpful, but it doesn't always fit for the task or reading at hand. If the timer goes off before I feel like I have gotten the job done, then I try to rush to get it finished.

I did find that all three of these strategies helped my to focus better on the writing, rather than just reading without any strategy. I like to take notes when I'm reading, which fits in with the 'Copy and Delete' strategy. When I review my notes, I tend to pick up on even more than when I read through the first time, and I get a better picture of the reading overall.

I would also recommend 'visualizing' the reading as a focusing strategy. I love to picture the setting and the characters almost like a movie in my mind- and it usually keeps me focused on the reading!


Tech Tip: Google Site Website

Hi, all!

This week I created a google site for my project!
You can check it out here.


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Storytelling: Tails of a Dog

There once was a dog that wanted more than anything to be able to run across the street and catch the squirrel. Her owner, though, did not want the dog to do this, and thus, devised a plan to distract her everyday from visiting the squirrel.

So, the first day the dog went to the owner and said, "I must go and catch that squirrel!". The owner replied, "And you will! But first, I will teach you how to sit."
"What is the nature of this trick?" the dog asked.
"Well, when I say 'sit', and hold a hand above your head, you will sit on your back legs and await a treat!" the owner replied.
They did this over and over, and by the time that the dog had mastered the trick, it was night time, and it was too dark to go get the squirrel.

The dog learning how to sit.
(Personal photo, 2016)

The next day the dog went to the owner and said, "I must go and catch that squirrel!" The owner replied, "And you will! But first, I will teach you how to shake."
"What is the nature of this trick?" the dog asked.
"Well, when I said, 'shake', and extend my hand out, you will put your paw in my hand as if we were shaking hands, and then you will receive a treat!"
They did this over and over, and by the time that the dog had mastered how to shake, it was night time, and it was too dark to get the squirrel.

The next day the dog went to the owner and said, "I must go and catch that squirrel!" The owner replied, "And you will! But first, I will teach you how to speak."
"What is the nature of this trick?" the dog asked.
"Well, when I say, 'speak' and hold my hands by my mouth, you will bark once, and then you will receive a treat!"
They did this over and over, and by the time that the dog had mastered how to speak, it was night time, and it was too dark to get the squirrel.

The next day the dog went to the owner and said, "I must go and catch that squirrel!" The owner replied, "And you will! But first, I will teach you how to fetch."
"What is the nature of this trick?" the dog asked.
"Well, when I say, 'fetch' and throw the tennis ball, you will go and retrieve the ball and give it to me, and wait for me to throw it again."
They did this over and over, and by the time that the dog had mastered how to fetch, it was night time, and it was too dark to get the squirrel.

The next day the dog went to the owner and said, "I must go and catch that squirrel!" The owner replied, "And you will! But first, I will teach you how to roll over."
"What is the nature of this trick?" the dog asked.
"Well, when I say, 'roll over' and twist my wrist, you will roll over on the carpet, and then you will receive a treat!"
By the time that the dog had mastered how to roll over, it was night time, and it was too dark to get the squirrel.

Finally, the dog had learned all the tricks that the owner could think of, and she could not hold the dog back any longer. So the dog insisted that the owner take her outside for a walk to catch the squirrel.

Unfortunately for the dog, it was now wintertime, and the squirrel was in hibernation until the spring. Fortunately for the owner, the dog was very well trained.

Author's Note:
I was inspired to write this story after reading 'Tales of a Parrot" by Nakhshabi. In this storybook, a parrot distracts the King's wife every night so she won't go out and meet her lover and betray the king. In the story, however, when the King finds out about the wife's lover, he kills her.

From "Tales of a Parrot" by Nakhshabi. Source here.

Reading Notes: Tales From A Parrot (B)

Of a King and His Sons 
-son assumed crown after father passed away
-kill brother
-snake seized frog, called out and lost food
-fed own skin
-transformed into a man
-frog transformed into man

The Merchant Whose Daughter Was Lost
-Zerah daughter of merchant
-wise or skillful suitor
-foreknowledge of events
-floating wooden horse
-excellent archer
-summit of mountain
-all 3 went to get her

Of a Brahmin Fallin in Love
-handsome and discreet brahmin
-meets magician

Princess (18th century painting)

The Son of the King of Babylon
-young woman in temple
-wants to be married to her
-cut off own head for her
-both cut off heads
-wife put wrong heads on bodies

Merchant's Daughter
-father wouldnt accept proposals for daughter
-king's vizers

The Nobleman with a Snake
-man with snake
-still cant see lover

The Soldier and the Goldsmith
-soldier came across money
-The Cazy
-hanged goldsmith

A King falls in love and the end of Khojisteh
-parrot tells king everything
-king kills Khojisteh

From Tutinameh, or Tales of a Parrot by Nakhshabi
source here

Tech Tip: Adding A Weather Gadget

This week I added a weather gadget to my blog! You can check out how I did this here.


Thursday, September 1, 2016

Reading Notes: Tales From A Parrot (A)

"The Parrot and Khojisteh"

Miemun and Khojisteh
-prince Ahmed Sultaun/ riches and effects/ army, no children
-son Miemun born, married to wife Khojisteh
-purchased bird-parrot
-bough another bird-sharuk
-could write about Cedie as parrot

Khojisteh and the Parrot
-starts pursuing another man
-talks to girl bird (sharuk)
-kills the bird bc she doesnt like what she had to say

The Parrot of Ferukh Beg
-bird told husband about wife cheating on him
-w plots against bird
-parrot pardoning sins for w

Goldsmith, Carpenter, Taylor and Hermit
-bird covering for wife
-goldsmith making watches/ people keeping guard
-all fell in love with 'figure'
-all fighting over woman
-Tree of Decision
-belonged to no one
-still couldnt see lover

The Kind of Kinoje and his Daughter
-'princess and pauper'
- plans devised against him
-servant sacrificed himself

Flowler, Parrot, and her Young Ones
-saved young ones bc acted dead
-proposed that the remaining parrot is a physician
-wanted to heal the king
-keeps her away from lover

Merchant and his Wife
-merchant asking for company
-they asked for own wife
-came to peace w husband

The Old Lion and the Cat
-old lion, mice mess with him
-called for cat to get rid of mouse
-kitten got rid of all the mice/ left with no job

Commander of the Frogs and the Snake
-being oppressed by their chief
-requests service of snake
-when snake wanted more, the frogs ran away

Four Rich Persons who Became Poot
-prophecy balls
-precious stones

Besheer and a Woman Names Chunder
-requests service from Arab
-pass night by sleeping w arab

From Tutinameh, or Tales of a Parrot by Nakhshabi
source here